almost 7 years ago, Amir Rahimi shared research in progress
The Women's role effect in Iranian Qajar society
examining the documents
and resources available, I noticed the
special role of
woman in the
historical delivery of
this period, especially
in Tehran, as the capital . the
prevailing beliefs is
that the influx
of new thinker
is one of
the most important
issues affecting the
statues of woman , but
a look at the social
activities of woman
shoes that their
historic role in
Iran has continued
since ancient times .
this means that
traditional social structures
in Iran have been a
factor in social
and economic activities. For example, the
study of the
kind of western
look at the
monastic and the abandoned
ones that they
regarded as a
slave; and their comparison
with the monasticists
in Iran , who
were members of
the house and
community and sometimes
married their masters; the
importance of equality
of women and this
manifestation of the
man in Iran , and
this is a common
image that states
emergence of freedom of
though and low
from Europe to
Iran, in the eyes
of Iranians, has contributed
to the activities
outside the women’s home. Nevertheless , from the
regin of Nasir
al-din Shah until the
end of the
Qajar dynasty , changes in the
social structure are
created . the training of new techniques, Urban sprawl
and urbanization and
migration, School ,newspaper , ministry, and so on
, change the type of
women’s activities . women are more aware
of the situation in
other societies and, on the
other hand , the traditional
of the Qajar era dose not allow the
theoretical and practical
changes in the
traditional society to take
advantage of the
possibilities available in
the heart of traditional
to improve the
position of women. So that
the social issues
of women have
more European smells . the
lifestyle of women
in the Qajar
period this imagination, that women
were not involved
in economic activities.
Evidence suggests that
women were active
in economic affairs,
and some were
doing jobs for
their lives. The
eruption, quoted by Golibert ,
points to women’s work
in agriculture as well
as in handicrafts; of course, the
extent of women’s
participations in economic
production in villages
and tribes is
much higher and
more pronounced . Rural and
nomadic women worked
in the fields
alongside men, and
in livestock and
dairy products, they
played a role ,
were male and
sometimes even more
important .The presence of
woman in economic
and social activities
during the second
Qajar period has
been very impressive
and some of
the current view
that woman in
the Qajar period,
according to common
tradition , have not had
any activity in the
community , and their activities
were largely confined
to housekeeping ,but
they in fact , they have
played a critical role
in sensitive area
of Iranian contemporary
history . most of the
social activities of woman
in the public arena
are after the
constitutional revolution . woman
were always present
in the community
and played a role , but
a particular problem
of the relationship
of rights and
duties was formed
that was different
from the past .
the purpose of
the article is to review
the woman social effects in the
second phase of the
Qajar era ( Naseri din shah and
Mozafar –aldin shah era). In this researchers, we examine
the descriptive analytical
approach and role in some library resources about Woman
role in this period time.
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